Case in point, taking two months to travel on my own throughout South America. Or going out with a bunch of people when I know I am going to feel uncomfortable or bored around them. Not that I don't want to, but I'm tired and I want to go home. And part of it is fear of failure. I'm not too sure who this "person I want to be" fella is but I figure he is somewhat of an explorer, a not-sit-at-homer. And these are not chances that come around all the time. Sometimes it pays off and I have a great time, sometimes I end up thinking to myself "why did I do this if I never wanted to from the start?"

Well, and look how big and amazing this continent is. And the natives, how fierce they look, with their spears and shields.
It is still to be seen whether or not this is a recipe for happiness, unhappiness or for becoming the person you want to be. At the least it's a recipe for avoiding boredom I think.
Traveling through South america would be fun but I don't think I could do 2 months by myself, the fun of traveling is experiences and its always good to be able to share that experience with someone.
yo yo!
I would totally go. Half the fun of traveling is meeting new and exciting people along the way.
And I think you ARE the adventurous type ready to take on the scary men with spears and the formidably large yet full of adventure South American Continent. If I could I would pack up everything and join you in a heart beat. To have doubts and to be tired is natural, but as you said, this is an incredible opportunity unlikely to repeat itself.
Not to mention traveling South America for two months? TOTAL chick magnet.
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