It seems like yesterday that I wrote my first post on this blog about that taxi bringing me on a wild goose chase from the Lima Airport to my apartment. I remember that night, I finally got to sleep at 2 in the morning, a little uneasy and excited in a new environment and uncomfortable on a full stomache of BBQ chicken. Six months later I'm still waking up in that same bed but definitely sleeping better. Four months to go now 'til Canada, and who knows what next. Hot diggity dog-gone it, time flies, before you can say Jack Robinson I'll be too frail to say boo to a goose!
Things that I'm looking forward to:
- Chuus going intercontinental.
- Seeing the Amazon rainforest.
- Not sucking at surfing.
- A world with less plastic.
- And more green. It's inevitable, we'll get it soon enough, we have to.
- Seeing Noa Fei again. Look at her. It should be illegal to be that cute. That's just ridiculous. Someone arrest her.

- Going Home.
Things that I'm not looking forward to:
- Going another year without winter.
- Going it alone in Argentina and Brazil.
- Not being able to watch the playoffs. Aaahh..I love it, from those first two weeks when there are four amazing televised hockey games every single night. And then teams get cut out and the good teams rise to the top. And then every series gets tighter. And every game is more important and it almost kills you, the emotion, the tension of those last ten minutes with the home team down a goal and buzzing around the net like dive bombers and the stadiums of fans, who have followed this team through its ups and downs and now that they've made it this far, it's like life or death, and all together everyone holds their breath and grips their armrests and then roars in unison when they score, as if this group of 20 men are playing for our collective lives, flying and crashing around on ice, superheroes who will save the world or die trying.

Umm..other things I'll miss:
- Leaving this internship and working to save mangroves, Peru's only few thousand hectares, a small step in the scheme of things but at least in the right direction.
- Eventually having to leave this incredible place behind.

I am going to snap my fingers and it's going to be 2010 and I'll be thinking how the hell did I turn 24 and I miss Peru. And then just as quickly it'll be 2011 and I'll be in a Sobey's reminded of Peru by the release of Lucuma flavored ice cream in North America since they finally figured out to start importing it because it's amazing and we have a million flavours but no Lucuma?? And then suddenly it'll be 2020. And then before you can bat an eyelid, we'll have robots like Wall-E falling in love and not cleaning up our garbage and wanting to get married and causing all sorts of social disorder and infringing on my human rights. How do you slow this train down?
1 comment:
Dude I love YOUR blog. Do you think you could ship me some Ice cream. I love Ice cream.
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