I feel like I'm bearing the weight of the world and all I want is for it to get off my back. I know damn well that it's time for action, in fact it's almost all I can think about unless I'm purposefully distracting myself. I think about all the time; that we have to start acting and it still might not be enough but I don't know what to do, I can't find anything decent to do and the pressure is hard so I resort to escapes like everyone sane person does. It's why sometimes you find yourself trying to wake yourself from a nightmare because you want to escape a scary effing thought. But there's no escaping this one beyond denial.
I can barely open my mouth, barely write on this blog without wanting to talk about declining biodiversity, declining forest cover, declining ocean ecosystems. It's a goddamn nightmare.
We need a dream to aspire to instead of a nightmare to run away from. What is that just yonder, right over the horizon, glowing so bright that it's throwing off the darkness?
Martin Luther King uttered "I have a dream" and it captured a generation.
We know what the future has to look like, at least fuzzily. It has to have less clutter, less useless things that make us miserable. We have to take better care of our land, eat better and healthier, realer and plantier food. We have to waste less that's for sure, we'll have to sacrifice a few things too. That's the simplest start I think and I don't think it's much to ask for. The world probably has to be more equal too. I'm going to grab one of those things and run in that direction. Farming, this summer, organic farm internship or WWOOFing. Done. Get off my back you big black cloud.
Happy Women's Day, man, and I'm praying that you'll somehow make it to Shanghai in July. Okay, hoping very sincerely, coz I don't know how to actually pray or what to pray to.
hey you. wwoofing eh? my friends have done it/are doing it. come to seattle.
I think you will find your people here in our city. i know it's not super exotic like...new Zealand or brazil or peru...but it will be an adventure still.
I recently went to see cow CAFO's (concentrated animal feeding operations...although I assume you already know what they are) and was thoroughly appalled and repulsed. Makes me really want to own my own land and farm. It's amazing what dairy farmers do to get rid of cow crap, lemme just say that.
ANYWAY. Come to Seattle. Check it out. You can stay at my house while you gather your bearings. come come come.
Check out the King's Garden when on the wwoofing website for the US. Search for Washington State. then look at King's Garden. I would totally go and do that.
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